31 May 2023

Why rerouter Exists

The ultimate redirect management tool.

Chris BirdCo-Founder

Why Rerouter Exists

As a consultancy we often get involved with tech migrations projects, we often observe that SEO migrations are often left until the last minute, due to their challenging and time-consuming nature and perceived value compared to functionality. This task often involves manually mapping each old URL to a corresponding new URL, which can be particularly laborious, but also the implementation of redirects can be tricky given the tech stacks that many clients are working with. However, failing to implement SEO redirects correctly can result in a loss of valuable search engine rankings, traffic, and revenue.

While implementing redirects during a migration is crucial, it's important to note that this solution only addresses the immediate needs of the migration. Regular management of redirects is essential to ensure that the website's performance and user experience remain optimal in the long term. This involves periodically reviewing and updating existing redirects, monitoring traffic and rankings.

However, managing redirects can be limited and difficult for non-technical people who tend to be the exact people who need to maintain the website after migration. Existing tools and software can be missing features, and require technical expertise to operate effectively, which can be a challenge for site owners, especially for large websites with numerous pages.

Over the years we’ve built a solution to these problems for numerous clients, and when we recently came up against the problem again we decided that this time we’re going to build it once for anyone who needs it.

This is where Rerouter comes in, we’ve been working on a tool that can;

  • Manage a large number of redirects
  • Provide a interface that lets non-technical people manage redirects
  • Monitor broken links
  • Analyse existing redirects and provide intelligence on rules to help optimize rules that can cause site performance issues.
  • Collapse redirect chains to ensure that user experience isn't impacted with delays from redirect hopping.
  • Provide integration points so that redirects can be generated automatically as content changes in other systems.

For more details and information on getting rerouter for your business, head to our products page where you can request a demo!

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