A cutting edge e-commerce platform
Perfect Moment is a luxury fashion and sportswear brand
Perfect Moment
- E-Commerce
- Fashion
- CommerceTools
- Next.js
- Clojure
- TypeScript
- Contentful
- Google Cloud Platform
Time frame
- Initial release: 4 months
- Ongoing engagement: 24 months+
Build PreciselyDeliberate Team
- Chris BirdCo-Founder
- Ben CegłowskiLead Consultant
Having grown their business from startup by leveraging the power of social media, Perfect Moment were looking to scale-up their business as they grew in popularity. With their existing e-commerce platform, Magento, coming to end of life and the limitations around it becoming more evident, Perfect Moment needed an e-commerce solution that could provide the scale their ambitious plans required. This, coupled with brittle back-office tools and processes meant that a holistic review and evaluation of their business processes was required in order to select and implement appropriate solutions .
Perfect Moment’s website is their front door and is a differentiator for how they communicate the brand and present their products. In order to achieve this we built a bespoke storefront on top of headless technologies to maximise their differentiator without compromising quality and stability. Full-stack integration from their e-commerce engine right through to order management and fulfilment increased operational efficiency and minimised manual intervention for processing orders; laying the foundation for Perfect Moment to continue their phenomenal growth.
"Deliberate's team of experienced, motivated practitioners were a joy to work with. Their broad picture approach to solving problems meant that we were able to identify key issues and solve them at the source making our business much leaner and more effective. Their dedication to delivering value rather than specific scope gave us the flexibility to adapt and change priorities as we identified new problems and opportunities."
Russell Pritchard
Ecommerce Director, Perfect Moment
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